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We do, however, only accept registrations for users with some history in the community, or any way to prove their validity as not being an anti. You can bypass this if someone in the board recommended you and they can confirm for us that you are trustworthy. If someone on the forum referred you or you know they're in the forum and can vouch for you, then please let them know so they can contact us.
Some primary ways to prove your identity are to link social medias in your registration and so we can verify with you to make sure it's really you. You can also sign up with an email, but it's optional. To opt out of email, enter "anonymous@radqueer.net". There's also a website and contact you can register with for added security. All of the profile fields are optional, and are visible to all registered users. They can be changed at any time. Please be on the lookout for messages from the mod team to any contacts listed.
Before registering please read the Rules and Guidelines.
We look forward to having you!

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